Security Consulting

Using the latest methodologies and technologies, our security experts identify and mitigate the risks an organization faces from IT security threats.

Risk Management Framework

Our experience with the NIST Risk Management Framework (RMF) for Federal information systems compliance will give you the tools to navigate every stage of the process. We help clients conduct the needs analysis, such as categorizing their system, selecting controls, and implementing controls.  We then develop the System Security Plan in accordance with the NIST standards.

Continuous Monitoring

We will work with you to provide the mandated continuous monitoring functionality.  We provide near real-time security monitoring on your network infrastructures that includes the timeframe and tools that will maintain your environment’s security posture at an acceptable risk level.

Vulnerability Assessments

Vulnerabilities come from various sources and are often a result of implementation errors in access controls, system misconfiguration or unpatched software.  We will conduct vulnerability scans of your system to identify security weaknesses and provide mitigation recommendations for all vulnerabilities.

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Security Policies and Procedures

IT Security policies and procedures are necessary and often required for organizations to have in place to comply with various Federal, State, and Industry regulations.  Gabtics LLC can assist you in developing your IT Security policies and procedures which are tailored to the risks you face.

Plan of Action and Milestone (POA&M) Management

We will create a Plan of Action and Milestone (POA&M) Management Plan to manage any identified risks.  We also advise on strategies to mitigate the risks.

Technical Consulting

Our Technical Consulting Services include Security Assessment and Authorization, FISMA, RMF; Vulnerability Assessments and Penetration Testing, and Continuous Monitoring.

Governance, Risk and Compliance (GRC)

Our Governance, Risk and Compliance services are designed to help your organization better identify, understand and manage the interrelationships between risk and compliance and incorporate those disciplines into daily business activities.  We provide expertise related to Audit and Assessment and Governance and Risk Management and information security frameworks.